Television in Transition: The Life and Afterlife of the Narrative Action Hero, by Shawn Shimpach
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منابع مشابه
فردیت قهرمان در فیلم رنگو
Film is a visional-narrative art which is, unlike its similar narrative and fictional structure with literary texts, different from literary texts in some aspects such as method, technique, context, used substances and its affection on the audience. Rango is one of the greatest animated artifice works in the world which is unlinked and unique both in its form and intent. It was made by Paramoun...
متن کاملThe Relationship Between “Human Immortality” and “Moral Action” From the Perspective of an Iranian Mujtahida (Amin Isfahani)
Islamic culture and wisdom deem human deeds to be eternal like his essence, and the source of happiness or unhappiness in the hereafter. Therefore, moral actions, namely, deeds in accordance with the standards of religious (Islamic) morality, will be the source of human happiness in the hereafter. Following the explanation of the two concepts of immortality and union of deeds with human nature,...
متن کاملThe Identity of Moses in Surah Al-Qasas with Reference to Time and Space
The question of identity in a narrative text is one of the most influential questions that need further study. The variations in the factors that may affect the concept of identity add to the complexity of the narrative text. The study aims at analyzing the main phases, stages, themes and events of Moses’ life story as part of the narrative discourse. The effects of time and place on the main e...
متن کاملThe Process of Individuation in the Story of Khosrow and Shirin (With Special References to the Character of Khosrow)
Khosrow and Shirin is the second of five long narrative poems by Nezami and is one of the finest love stories in Persian literature. This story has been examined so far from different aspects and with different approaches. One of the approaches overlooked in the analysis of this story is the process of individuation from Carl Jung's point of view. Therefore the aim of the present paper is to ps...
متن کاملGodless words in a vassal’s language named Hallaj An Overview to “Shath” and their types in Hallaj’s poems
“Godless words” , “inspired paradox” and as mystics phrase it “Shath” is a language creation of a mystic’s enchanted soul’s excitement and necessity. This mystic is a person whom is confronted with an illogical subject on one hand and on the other hand he has to use logical language which is a deficient tool for describing the illogical subject. Today’s fair audience – Regardless of Controversy...
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